As an Open and Affirming Church, everyone is welcome here, no matter who you are or where you are on your life journey.

To become a member of the Danville Congregational Church, you must profess faith in God, follow the teachings of his son Jesus Christ, live according to God’s law of love, and have been baptized either as an infant or an adult, or you may simply present a Letter of Transfer from another Christian church. 

New members shall be recommended by the Pastor and Board of Deacons, recognized by the church council, and received at a public service of worship. Associate Membership is available to those who are and wish to continue to be members of churches elsewhere and wish to worship with us regularly when in Danville. 

Members may participate and vote in all transactions of the church and shall be eligible for election to any office. Associate Members may vote in all transactions of the church and shall be eligible for election to any office except that of Clerk, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Deacon, and Trustee, or as members of the Pastoral Relations and Pastoral Search committees.

Members are encouraged to attend regular worship, including celebration of the Lord’s Supper, to live a Christian life, to share in the life and work of the church, to contribute to its support and benevolences, and to seek diligently the spiritual welfare of the membership and our community.

We invite you to become a Member of the Danville Congregational Church, UCC.

Stained glass at Danville, Vermont's Congregational Church